Flashkit MD , enhanced edition , Sega Megadrive/Genesis Dumper
an 2025 enhanced edition of the flashkit md from Krikzz
what difference in my redisigned version?
PCB have been completely redesigned
Use an modern USB type C connector with the 2 needed 5k1 resistor
Added a polyfuse for protect againt short circuit
added power led
added the possibility to reflash somes cheap bootleg by moving the switch and cut a trace on a bootleg pcb
10k resistor needed for the Open-ED is on the pcb
ALTERA cpld protected by 330 ohms resistor from the cartridge slot , instead of 33 one
you need program the altera with the files from krikzz with an Altera USB-Blaster
you can order the pcb in HASL , but i recommand to use pcbway assembly service , it have lots of parts, the BOM and centroid file are here for that.
Flashkit MD , enhanced edition , Sega Megadrive/Genesis Dumper
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.
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