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How to generate Gerber files from CircuitMaker

This guide is about how to export Gerber file from CircuitMaker

Step 1: Open the PCB design file first, and then open the "Project" menu and click "Generate outputs", as shown below.


Step 2: After clicking, the dialog box shown below will appear. Check the boxes next to Gerber Files and NC Drill Files.


Step 3: Click the "Configure" link next to "Gerber Files".


In the dialog that opens, configure the following options in the "General" tab:

  • Use the 2:3 format, as the milling precision is 1mm. It's fine to use a higher format if you prefer. And it does not matter whether you choose inches or millimeters as the unit.

  • Remember the settings you choose here, as you will need to use the same settings when configuring your NC Drill file.


Step 4: In the "Layer" tab, select as shown below and do not check any boxes in the right panel.


Step 5: In the "Advanced" tab (skip "Drill Drawing" and "Apertures"), configure the following options:

"Film Size" and "Aperture Matching Tolerance" can keep the default settings without changing.

Uncheck all options in "other" (such as G54, optimize change location commands, etc.).

Select "Separate file per layer" in Batch Mode for generating Gerber files.

For advanced settings, such as leading/trailing zeroes, vector/raster, and absolute/relative, just use the same settings when configuring the NC Drill settings.


Step 6: Click "OK" to return to the "Generate output files" dialog box, and then click the "Configure" link next to "NC Drill Files".


Configuring the following settings in the "NC Drill Setup" dialog box.


Step 7: Click "OK" and then close "NC Drill Setup" dialog box.

Step 8: Click "Generate" in the "Generate Output Files" dialog box.


Step 9: A dialog box shown as below will pop up after clicking "Generate", select "Save and Commit changes".


Step 10: Click "OK" in the "Save to Saver" dialog box poped up.


Step 11: Click the "Release" button in the "Generate output files" dialog box, which will save the generated files to the cloud.


Step 12: A window called "Confirm Release" will appear,write "Release Note" as needed and click "OK".


A new window will show: Project has been released successfully, open in Web Browser.


Step 13: Click "open in Web Browser" which will open the published files in the web browser. Click "Show Files" to display the files and then click the download icon to download the Gerber and drill files.



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