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Gerber File Extension from Different Software

Summary:  Identify the probable PCB layer type of a Gerber or drill file by its filename.

Gerber files are files that all circuit design software can produce. They are also called stencil data in the electronic assembly industry, and light painting files in the PCB manufacturing industry. It can be said that Gerber files are the most common and most widely used file formats in the electronics assembly industry. Therefore, for an electronics manufacturing company, it is very important to have a computer-aided manufacturing CAM software that can handle Gerber files. It has the effect of assisting in improving quality by arranging production preparation, manufacturing, and testing processes.

Gerber file is the standard format of EIA and is divided into RS274-D and RS274-X. RS274-X is an extension file of RS274-D. The production and manufacturing department shall, as far as conditions permit, require the user or the design department to provide the Gerber file of RS274-X, which is conducive to the production preparation of each process.

Below shows the Gerber extensions generated by different commonly used PCB design softwares.

CAD: kicad


board-F_Cu.gbr      Top Copper Layer

      board-F.Cu.gbr      Top Copper Layer

      board-F.Cu.gtl      Top Copper Layer

      board-F_Mask.gbr    Top Soldermask

      board-F.Mask.gbr    Top Soldermask

      board-F.Mask.gts    Top Soldermask

      board-F_SilkS.gbr   Top Silkscreen

      board-F.SilkS.gbr   Top Silkscreen

      board-F.SilkS.gto   Top Silkscreen

      board-F_Paste.gbr   Top Solderpaste

      board-F.Paste.gbr   Top Solderpaste

      board-F.Paste.gtp   Top Solderpaste

      board-B_Cu.gbr      Bottom Copper Layer

      board-B.Cu.gbr      Bottom Copper Layer

      board-B_Mask.gbr    Bottom Soldermask

      board-B.Mask.gbr    Bottom Soldermask

      board-B.Mask.gbs    Bottom Soldermask

      board-B_SilkS.gbr   Bottom Silkscreen

      board-B.SilkS.gbr   Bottom Silkscreen

      board-B.SilkS.gbo   Bottom Silkscreen

      board-B_Paste.gbr   Bottom Solderpaste

      board-B.Paste.gbr   Bottom Solderpaste

      board-B.Paste.gbp   Bottom Solderpaste

      board-In1_Cu.gbr    Inner Copper Layer

      board-Inner1.Cu.gbr Inner Copper Layer

      board-Inner1.Cu.g3  Inner Copper Layer

      board-Edge_Cuts.gbr Board Outline

      board-Edge.Cuts.gbr Board Outline

      board-Edge.Cuts.gm1 Board Mechanical Layer

      board.drl           Drill Layer

      board-NPTH.drl      Drill None Plated Layer

      board-top.pos       Gerber Drawing

      board-bottom.pos    Gerber Drawing

    CAD: eagle


      board.CMP        Top Copper Layer

      board.top        Top Copper Layer

      board.STC        Top Soldermask

      board.tsm        Top Soldermask

      board.PLC        Top Silkscreen

      board.tsk        Top Silkscreen

      board.CRC        Top Solderpaste

      board.tsp        Top Solderpaste

      board.SOL        Bottom Copper Layer

      board.bot        Bottom Copper Layer

      board.STS        Bottom Soldermask

      board.bsm        Bottom Soldermask

      board.PLS        Bottom Silkscreen

      board.bsk        Bottom Silkscreen

      board.CRS        Bottom Solderpaste

      board.bsp        Bottom Solderpaste

      board.LY2        Inner Copper Layer

      board.L15        Inner Copper Layer

      board.DIM        Board Outline

      board.mil        Mill Layer

      board.gml        Board Mechanical Layer

      board.TXT        Drill Layer

      board.xln        Drill Layer

      board.exc        Drill Layer

      board.drd        Drill Layer

    CAD: altium


      board.gtl      Top Copper Layer

      board.gts      Top Soldermask

      board.gto      Top Silkscreen

      board.gtp      Top Solderpaste

      board.gbl      Bottom Copper Layer

      board.gbs      Bottom Soldermask

      board.gbo      Bottom Silkscreen

      board.gbp      Bottom Solderpaste

      board.g1       Inner Copper Layer

      board.gm3      Board Mechanical Layer

      board.gko      Board Outline

      board.txt      Drill Layer

    CAD: orcad


      board.TOP      Top Copper Layer

      board.SMT      Top Soldermask

      board.SST      Top Silkscreen

      board.SPT      Top Solderpaste

      board.BOT      Bottom Copper Layer

      board.SMB      Bottom Soldermask

      board.SSB      Bottom Silkscreen

      board.SPB      Bottom Solderpaste

      board.IN1      Inner Copper Layer

      board.FAB      Board Outline

      board.TAP      Drill Layer

    CAD: geda-pcb


      board.bottom.gbr       Bottom Copper Layer

      board.bottommask.gbr   Bottom Soldermask

      board.bottomsilk.gbr   Bottom Silkscreen

      board.fab.gbr          Drill Layer

      board.plated-drill.cnc Drill Layer

      board.out.gbr          Board Outline

      board.top.gbr          Top Copper Layer

      board.topmask.gbr      Top Soldermask

      board.toppaste.gbr     Top Solderpaste

      board.topsilk.gbr      Top Silkscreen

    CAD: eagle


      board-name.boardout.ger         Board Outline

      board-name.bottomlayer.ger      Bottom Copper Layer

      board-name.bottomsilkscreen.ger Bottom Silkscreen

      board-name.bottomsoldermask.ger Bottom Soldermask

      board-name.bcream.ger           Bottom Solderpaste

      board-name.drills.xln           Drill Layer

      board-name.internalplane1.ger   Inner Copper Layer

      board-name.internalplane2.ger   Inner Copper Layer

      board-name.toplayer.ger         Top Copper Layer

      board-name.topsilkscreen.ger    Top Silkscreen

      board-name.topsoldermask.ger    Top Soldermask

      board-name.tcream.ger           Top Solderpaste

Last updated on 28/05/2024
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