Bluino Bluino
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ESP32 Motor Shield 4WD Mecanum Wheel
Control Robot Car 4WD Mecanum Wheel use app Android, install app here:
You can control Robot car use Joystick PS3, use Sixaxis Pair Tool software for set MAC address ESP32 that to be connect with joystick.
Look at the serial monitor to find out the mac address of the ESP32.
/******************* WiFi Robot Remote Control Mode ********************/
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <Ps3Controller.h>
// connections for drive Motors
int PWM_FR = 12;
int PWM_FL = 13;
int DIR_FR = 14;
int DIR_FL = 15;
int PWM_BR = 16;
int PWM_BL = 17;
int DIR_BR = 18;
int DIR_BL = 19;
const int buzPin = 5; // set digital pin D5 as buzzer pin (use active buzzer)
const int ledPin = 4; // set digital pin D8 as LED pin (use super bright LED)
const int wifiLedPin = 2; // set digital pin D0 as indication, the LED turn on if NodeMCU connected to WiFi as STA mode
bool ledStatus = false;
String command; // String to store app command state.
int SPEED = 1023; // 330 - 1023.
int speed_Coeff = 5;
AsyncWebServer server(80);
void notFound(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
request->send(404, "text/plain", "Not found");
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
// keep empty if you want ESP32 in AP Mode
String sta_ssid = "your_ssid_name"; // set Wifi networks you want to connect to
String sta_password = "your_ssid_password"; // set password for Wifi networks
void setup(){
Serial.begin(115200); // set up Serial library at 115200 bps
Serial.println("*ESP32 WiFi Robot Remote Control Mode*");
pinMode(buzPin, OUTPUT); // sets the buzzer pin as an Output
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // sets the LED pin as an Output
pinMode(wifiLedPin, OUTPUT); // sets the Wifi LED pin as an Output
digitalWrite(buzPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(wifiLedPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(wifiLedPin, HIGH);
// Set all the motor control pins to outputs
pinMode(PWM_FR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PWM_FL, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DIR_FR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DIR_FL, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PWM_BR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PWM_BL, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DIR_BR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DIR_BL, OUTPUT);
// Turn off motors - Initial state
digitalWrite(DIR_FR, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_FL, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_BR, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_BL, LOW);
String address = Ps3.getAddress();
Serial.print("The ESP32's Bluetooth MAC address is: ");
// set ESP32 Wifi hostname based on chip mac address
char chip_id[15];
snprintf(chip_id, 15, "%04X", (uint16_t)(ESP.getEfuseMac()>>32));
String hostname = "esp32Car-" + String(chip_id);
Serial.println("Hostname: "+hostname);
// first, set NodeMCU as STA mode to connect with a Wifi network
WiFi.begin(sta_ssid.c_str(), sta_password.c_str());
Serial.print("Connecting to: ");
Serial.print("Password: ");
// try to connect with Wifi network about 10 seconds
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
previousMillis = currentMillis;
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && currentMillis - previousMillis <= 10000) {
currentMillis = millis();
// if failed to connect with Wifi network set NodeMCU as AP mode
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("IP: ");
digitalWrite(wifiLedPin, HIGH); // Wifi LED on when connected to Wifi as STA mode
} else {
IPAddress myIP = WiFi.softAPIP();
Serial.println("WiFi failed connected to " + sta_ssid);
Serial.print("AP IP address: ");
digitalWrite(wifiLedPin, LOW); // Wifi LED off when status as AP mode
// Send a GET request to <ESP_IP>/?fader=<inputValue>
server.on("/", HTTP_GET, [] (AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
String inputValue;
String inputMessage;
// Get value for Forward/Backward
if (request->hasParam("State")) {
inputValue = request->getParam("State")->value();
if (inputValue.equals("F")) Forward(); // check string then call a function or set a value
else if (inputValue.equals("B")) Backward();
else if (inputValue.equals("R")) TurnRight();
else if (inputValue.equals("L")) TurnLeft();
else if (inputValue.equals("G")) ForwardLeft();
else if (inputValue.equals("H")) BackwardLeft();
else if (inputValue.equals("I")) ForwardRight();
else if (inputValue.equals("J")) BackwardRight();
else if (inputValue.equals("S")) Stop();
else if (inputValue.equals("V")) BeepHorn();
else if (inputValue.equals("W")) TurnLightOn();
else if (inputValue.equals("w")) TurnLightOff();
else if (inputValue.equals("0")) SPEED = 330;
else if (inputValue.equals("1")) SPEED = 400;
else if (inputValue.equals("2")) SPEED = 470;
else if (inputValue.equals("3")) SPEED = 540;
else if (inputValue.equals("4")) SPEED = 610;
else if (inputValue.equals("5")) SPEED = 680;
else if (inputValue.equals("6")) SPEED = 750;
else if (inputValue.equals("7")) SPEED = 820;
else if (inputValue.equals("8")) SPEED = 890;
else if (inputValue.equals("9")) SPEED = 960;
else if (inputValue.equals("q")) SPEED = 1023;
else inputValue = "No message sent";
request->send(200, "text/text", "");
server.onNotFound (notFound); // when a client requests an unknown URI (i.e. something other than "/"), call function "handleNotFound"
ArduinoOTA.begin(); // enable to receive update/uploade firmware via Wifi OTA
void notify()
int lxAxisValue =(; //Left stick - x axis - turnright/turnleft car movement
int lyAxisValue =(; //Left stick - y axis - forward/backward car movement
int rxAxisValue =(; //Right stick - x axis - left/right car movement
if (lyAxisValue <= -50){ //Move car Forward
else if (lyAxisValue >= 50){ //Move car Backward
else if (lxAxisValue >= 50){ //Move car ForwardRight
else if (lxAxisValue <= -50){ //Move car ForwardLeft
else if (rxAxisValue >= 50){ //Move car Right
else if (rxAxisValue <= -50){ //Move car Left
else {
} else if (Ps3.event.button_up.cross){
void onConnect(){
void onDisConnect(){
void loop() {
ArduinoOTA.handle(); // listen for update OTA request from clients
// function to move forward
void Forward(){
digitalWrite(DIR_FR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIR_FL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIR_BR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIR_BL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_FR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_FL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BL, HIGH);
// function to move backward
void Backward(){
digitalWrite(DIR_FR, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_FL, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_BR, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_BL, LOW);
digitalWrite(PWM_FR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_FL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BL, HIGH);
// function to turn right
void TurnRight(){
digitalWrite(DIR_FR, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_FL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIR_BR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIR_BL, LOW);
digitalWrite(PWM_FR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_FL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BL, HIGH);
// function to turn left
void TurnLeft(){
digitalWrite(DIR_FR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIR_FL, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_BR, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_BL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_FR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_FL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BL, HIGH);
// function to move forward left
void ForwardLeft(){
digitalWrite(DIR_FR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIR_FL, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_BR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIR_BL, LOW);
digitalWrite(PWM_FR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_FL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BL, HIGH);
// function to move backward left
void BackwardLeft(){
digitalWrite(DIR_FR, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_FL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIR_BR, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_BL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_FR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_FL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BL, HIGH);
// function to move forward right
void ForwardRight(){
digitalWrite(DIR_FR, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_FL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIR_BR, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_BL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_FR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_FL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BL, HIGH);
// function to move backward left
void BackwardRight(){
digitalWrite(DIR_FR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIR_FL, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_BR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIR_BL, LOW);
digitalWrite(PWM_FR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_FL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BR, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PWM_BL, HIGH);
// function to stop motors
void Stop(){
digitalWrite(DIR_FR, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_FL, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_BR, LOW);
digitalWrite(DIR_BL, LOW);
digitalWrite(PWM_FR, LOW);
digitalWrite(PWM_FL, LOW);
digitalWrite(PWM_BR, LOW);
digitalWrite(PWM_BL, LOW);
// function to beep a buzzer
void BeepHorn(){
digitalWrite(buzPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(buzPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(buzPin, LOW);
// function to turn on LED
void TurnLightOn(){
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
// function to turn off LED
void TurnLightOff(){
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
Apr 14,2023
ESP32 Motor Shield 4WD Mecanum Wheel
Build Mecanum Wheel Robot Car ESP32 control with Joystick PS3 and Android app
Published: Apr 14,2023
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