PCB Design Tutorial

Kitchen Timer v1.0

Автор: Петров Иван Евгеньевич.Кухонный таймер предназначен для отсчета установленного времени и подачи предварительных и по окончанию отсчета звуковых сигналов. Установка времени осуществляется и...

PCB Design Tutorial PCB layout Circuit DIY STM8


DIY Your Retro-gaming Console ---- uChip Simple VGA Console (uSVC)

What is uSVC?uSVC is a simple, do-it-yourself game console that allows you to create and play retro-style 8-bit games with standard USB controllers and keyboards. In another word, it is an educational...

Retro-gaming Console uChip VGA Console uSVC DIY USB


AZEnvy - From the idea to the finished product - A success story

Hi, my name is Niklas Heinzel and I am the inventor of AZEnvy, the world's first environmental development board based on the ESP12F with a wide range of options for every maker, hobbyist, student and...

AZEnvy Maker DIY IOT ESP12F WLAN PCB Design PCBWay startup shared projects


Spider Robot Kubik M0 and its designer, Radomir Dopieralski

Today I am honored to introduce Radomir Dopieralski and his awarding project, Kubik M0 to you. PCBWay Team: “ Could you please briefly introduce yourself? Many other PCBW...

SpiderRobot KubikM0 Maker DIY Robot PCB PCBWay PCBWayer


Most Popular Design, Pi1541 IO Adapter Rev.4 by Christian Graefe

Today I’m going to introduce Christian Graefe whose project, Pi1541 IO Adapter Rev.4 has been chosen as the Most Popular Design among all the entries of PCBWay 2nd PCB Design Conte...

Pi1541 adapter pcbway pcbdesign pcbwayer diy RaspberryPi


Daniel Frank and his awarding project "Hedgehog"

Daniel Frank, whose entry, Hedgehog Educational Robotics Controller has won the first prize of THE BEST DESIGNS on PCBWay 2nd PCB Design Contest. PCBWay Team: “Could you please briefly intro...

Hedgehog pcbway pcb electronics diy maker winner hacker opensource pcbwayer iot

Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 8
2 Engineer 1
3 Engineer 1
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