How to print images and barcodes with a tiny thermal printer via Arduino

To be able to use a tiny thermal printer with Arduino, download the Adafruit Thermal Printer library.Built-in functions in the library to print text with different settings:Inverted text: this is...

Arduino IDE thermal printer Adafruit barcode Arduino

A Digital FM Receiver using Arduino (Including 3W+3W Class-D Stereo Amplifier)

FM transmitters/receivers are among the top favorite circuits of any electronic enthusiast. In this article/video, I have introduced a complete digital FM receiver design that has equipped with an LCD...

Altium Designer FM Receiver Arduino Component Library FM receiver Circuit

IoT Twitter Follower Tracker and Status Notifier

I have a gradually growing Twitter account for my website to showcase my projects and articles. Most of the time, I forget to check if there is a change in the follower count of my Twitter account to ...

PCB Design Tutorial KiCAD PCB layout Arduino Twitter

ESP32 Neopixel Status Indicator and Sensor PCB Shield with Wi-Fi Manager

esp32 esp8266 nodemcu arduino

RFID based Attendance system using Arduino and External EEPROM

Overview:In this post we are going to learn how to build a RFID based attendance system using Arduino development board, RC522 RFID reader module and external EEPROM. We will take a brief look at RC52...

Arduino reader module PCB


How To Make The Motorised Camera SliderNote: The content and the pictures in this article are contributed by Michael Klements. The opinions expressed by contributors are his own and not those of PCBWa...

Arduino prototype

DIY Power Supply to make your electronics live --- Innovation & Implementation S2E8

Since the day electricity was invented, our lives have changed really a lot. Electricity has not only brought us light in the nights, but also has become the underlying cornerstone of the continuous d...

Power supply battery Battery Capacity arduino Battery Charger Solar Charge Controller

Contactless Thermometer using Arduino with SD card temperature logger

Overview:In this project we are going to learn how to build an infrared based non-contact thermometer which can be utilized for screening people at schools, offices, shopping malls etc. for abnormal b...

Arduino sensor prototype

Bidirectional Visitor Counter using Arduino and SD Card Module

Overview:In this project we are going to construct a bidirectional visitor counter circuit using Arduino which registers the number of people who made entry and exit at schools, library, offices, comm...

Visitor Counter arduino SD card LDR LCD

Make Arduino Line Follower Robot Car with Arduino UNO, L298N Motor Driver, IR Sensor

In this short descriptive article, I will show you how to make a Line Follower Robot Car using Arduino UNO and 2 IR Sensor Modules. The name Line follower name suggests a Fully Automated Car. That fol...

arduino robot car L298N Motor Driver IR Sensor

MP3 Alarm Clock using Arduino and DFplayer

Overview:In this project we are going to see how to construct an alarm clock using Arduino which plays your favorite MP3 track as alarm tone. The proposed project sport a 16 x 2 LCD which displays tim...

MP3 Alarm Clock arduino DFplayer RTC LCD

Arduino-cli: compile, upload and manage libraries, cores, and boards

This tutorial describes how to use Arduino-cli to compile, uploads your sketches to an Arduino board or to an alternative board such as ESP32 or ESP8266. Using Arduino-cli we can, also, manage librari...

Arduino-cli Arduino library command interface ESP32 ESP8266

Arduino- and CircuitPython-compatible ESP32-S2 dev board --- MorphESP 240

Want an affordable, versatile, fully-integrated platform for learn, experiment or create?Morpheans has designed the ESP32-S2 dev board --MorphESP 240, which is fully compatible with both Arduino and C...

Arduino CircuitPython ESP32-S2 MorphESP 240

A Digital FM Receiver with Arduino (Including 3W+3W Class-D Stereo Amplifier)

By Hesam Moshiri, Anson BaoFM transmitters/receivers are among the top favorite circuits of any electronic enthusiast. In this article/video, I have introduced a complete digital FM receiver design th...

Arduino Digital FM Receiver

Program Your First FPGA With GOWIN GW1N-4

If you’re a software developer like me, you might be thrilled to see so many exciting embedded hardware platforms that we can now program easily, from Arduinos to the PADI IoT Stamp and the STM32 Blue...

FPGA Gowin arduino IoT programming Internet of Things

How to make your IoT projects WhatsApp-enabled via Twilio

Although there are myriads of web and mobile applications you can implement on your electronics projects pertaining to IoT - Internet of Things - did you know that you can utilize WhatsApp, rather tha...

IoT WhatsApp Twilio webhook NodeMCU ESP8266 IR Proximity Sensor arduino raspberry pi

Why use FPGA for IoT? Here’s what I think…

Everywhere people are buzzing about FPGA — Field-Programmable Gate Array. It’s a computing device that works like an Arduino Microcontroller — but in a different way. A microcontroller contains a CPU ...

Arduino IoT Sigfox FPGA Internet of Things Field-Programmable Gate Arra microcontroller

Disinfecting Robot with Ultraviolet Lights

Introduction to the RobotUltraviolet Germicidal Robot (UV Robot) is a teleoperated robot equipped with a UV light system. The system contains a moving robot vehicle and a ground station controller (GC...

robot UV light motor driver arduino disinfection transmitter UVGI

PCBWay TV Show 08 How can we use Arduino to make creative projects ?

Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board and a piece of software, or IDE (Integrated Development Enviro...

Arduino Remote controlled robot PID Balancing Robot Arduino Nano LM35 Arduino

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