ASCII Video Terminal
Geoff Graham released an inexpensive video terminal design in 2014.
Revision 2.0 corrects problems with the RS232 driver. The Revision 1.1 board will require a single trace cut and added 220K resistor, please see the documentation on hackaday for details.
Unfortunately the original design only had TTL serial output and it was necessary to add external drivers for RS232 levels.
Several others have updated the firmware including allowing use of a USB keyboard.
Here is an updated PC board that incorporates several changes:
RS232 driver is included (Max232CPE or equivalent)
Color selection is now thru jumpers.
USB connector changed to a USB "A" connector so a keyboard can be directly connected
Barrel Jack input for 5v added
Silk screening improved to show jumper settings.
The original firmware will support a PS/2 keyboard input
David Hansel's modified firmware will support a USB keyboard.
I've built several terminal boards over the years. While the font isn't as nice as some others, this simple terminal board has many advantages. It uses easily available thru-hole parts, the source code is freely available, and it supports a wide range of baud settings.
The credit clearly goes to others for the design. I wanted to learn KiCad so used this as an opportunity to complete a simple project.
The main project board is at
Please enjoy!
ASCII Video Terminal
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.
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