
[PCB Assembly] Glue Dot in mounting holes for connectors

Hello. I have a design that we're having trouble with in assembly; the connectors keep tilting over. I have a possible solution, but I need to ask a couple of questions. We have this connector wit...

[PCB Assembly] parts for the skull

Do you have a detailed list of the components needed for the skull?Do you have a website?

[PCB Assembly] Need to see PCBWay parts library

Hello!I am interested to order soon one sample order and one bigger order for PCB manufacture + SMT assmbly.I need to check your SMT parts library to see, if you have on stock parts required.Actually ...

[PCB Assembly] Partial PCB Assembily

I was thinking of trying the PCB Assembily service but i was wondering how a partial order would look when I recive it.I would only like about half of the surface mount parts populated but on the unpo...

[PCB Assembly] Can you assemble without Gerber file upload

I have previously ordered bare PCBs from a project which does not make the Gerber files available. The PCB order lists the following:W27005AXN33_outputs.zipIs it possible to assemble using these?...

[PCB Assembly] Soldermask protected from Electromigration

Hello, i need to protect my automotive PCB, with LED, from electromigration, to avoid creepage current. The customer req is 1,1 mm beetween power supply track, i instead have no more 0,25 mm gap. so h...

[PCB Assembly] Reflow the already assembled PCB one more time

hi,is it possible to reflow the already assembled PCB one more time? Some parts owned I would solder myself and maybe need reflow oven again. Anyway, just want to know before hand.

[PCB Assembly] Lead time for DIY Solar Lamp PCB

Hi, thank you for making this project available. If I order the PCB, what would the lead-time be (PCB details below)?Thank you for your time RegardsMark.PCB:DIY SOLAR LAMP2 Layers PCB 5 x 5 ...

[PCB Assembly] Karting RPM Inductive Pickup

I found this link... https://www.pcbway.com/project/sponsor/Induction_RPM_sensor_for_Karts.htmlI need a 5V input and 5V squarewave output version of this for a karting customer.Was this ever prod...

[PCB Assembly] Assembly and sanctions

Good day!What will happen if when ordering installation of components on the board, some of them will have restrictions on the delivery to the destination country?
1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ranking Name Answers
1 Platima Tinkers 10
2 PCBWay Team 9
3 Engineer 1
4 Engineer 1
5 Engineer 1
6 Sami Singh 1
7 Staffan Ulfberg 1
9 Nithin Joji 1