Please see the picture below. In the PCB file, the customer wrote a PCB EDGE with a line next to it, but it does not match the shape.The customer replied that the line and characters can be deleted, b...
GoalPost something like "A D1 mini shield with an APA102 on it" and people can contribute expertise to make sure the right questions get asked and that the board can be built by PCBWay.WhyGo...
Hello, I have interest about the TPA3255 Class-D digital amplifier project from Privalov Oleg Leonidovich and I hope to purchase PCB to you and assembly it myself but I need the BOM an schema to...
So I want PCBWay to make a PCB including assembly and I would like them to order the components for me as well. The problem is: I have a pre-programmed microcontroller made by Microchip.The quest...