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Winner Interview - Meet Peter Misenko and learn about the story behind ARMACHAT

by: May 27,2020 3283 Views 1 Comments Posted in Activities

PCB Design PCBWay startup shared projects maker PCBWay 3rd PCB Design Contest winner

Summary:       Peter Misenko's ARMACHAT - Doomsday LORA QWERTY communicator wins the second prize of The Best Designs in PCBWay 3rd PCB Design Contest.

PCBWay Team: “ Could you please briefly introduce yourself? Many other PCBWayers in the community want to know more about you.”

Peter:"Writing about yourself is very difficult. I am an ordinary person."

PCBWay Team: “When did you start making and how did you learn the skill of PCB Design?”

Peter:"I am drawing boards 30years, by paint on copper, diy photo way, then I found factories. After I discovered about 6 years ago that a PCB doesn't have to be just a green square, my options are limitless."

PCBWay Team: "When did you get involved in the maker movement? Do you remember what first drew your attention?"

Peter:"8 years ago I pre-designed Digispark, I didn't understand why the voltage regulator occupies a larger area than MCU. I named this board PicoDuino and this project started my product line – small compact development boards with edge connector ( winxi, dixi)"

PCBWay Team: “How did you know about our 3rd PCB Design Contest? And what drove you to attend this contest?”

Peter:"PCBWay (Elaine). I won silver award in last year in “I can solder” contest. I didn't think I would get a good idea for a project and I ignored the competition for a long time. I have plan make board, then maybe next x boards revisions, few years work on software but I done all in month."

PCBWay Team: “About your award-winning work, ARMACHAT - Doomsday LORA QWERTY communicator could you please tell us more details about it or the story behind? And why did you choose it as your entry?” 

Peter:"I've never make anything in my life with wireless communication and a graphic display. I wanted a PCB where I could learn it, really it was main purpose, I did not know that the end of the world would come during the competition. Today everybody using wifi and touchscreen, About 2 years I want make something like Belgrade badge or the portable zx spectrum on which I grew up."

PCBWay Team: “ What part of the project process excites you the most?”

Peter:"Hard to say, I love every part, effective keyboard, battery as stand and extreme single chip simplicity. It's so simple project that can not understand what is on it so exceptional that nobody done it before me."

PCBWay Team: “ In your opinion, what comes first - the existing technology or the design idea?”

Peter:"We have ideas form sci-fi movies, just we need technology."

PCBWay Team: “ What makes you different/ unique from other makers?”

Peter:"I'm not in any way exceptional."

PCBWay Team: “How did you feel when you found that you were one of the winners?”

Peter:"Feel good and long way before me and lot of work."

PCBWay Team: “What do you think is the most important inner traits to be a good PCB designer?”

Peter:"Imagination, Infinite amount of time and stop using an autorouter."

PCBWay Team: “What do you think of Open Source Hardware? And how do you look at the future of open source community?”

Peter:"It is step forward, Open hardware have future. Open software is proof."

PCBWay Team: “What do you think of our website or the community page? PCBWay will contribute to the open source community more. Do you have any suggestions for improvement?” 

Peter:"I think all working good."

PCBWay Team: “What are ingredients of a good maker space? If you were to create and equip a new maker space for a school or library, how would your ideal solution look like?”

Peter:"Laser cutter and 3D printer is basic. For my everything except PCB board tools. In my childhood I was make boards at home and it is nightmare, for my better is nothing like bad looking PCB, almost all my projects are just PCB ;)”

PCBWay Team: “PCBWay 4th PCB Design Contest has been in our to-do list, will you join in again? And would you like to suggest your friends to attend as well?”

Peter:"I have no project idea now. I hardly know anyone around who make hardware. I will share next contest on my networks ;)”

PCBWay Team: “Do you have any suggestions to the contest? Regarding to the participation process, display of works, voting, etc.”

Peter:"I myself can increase page view, download count, create false account for voting. Maybe small change separate points from visitors and judges, allow voting only account with any PCB order, or separate voice weight /judge/person with order=community voice/ guest."

PCBWay Team: "If a reader who is inspired by this interview wants to get started with making, what are some good tools and resources for beginners?"

Peter:"Stupid answer but for my it is google, github, hackaday."

Link: Winner List of PCBWay 3rd PCB Design Contest

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