PCB Design Tutorial

How to Generate Gerber Files in Fusion 360?

Once you have completed the PCB design in Fusion 360, the next step is to export production files to prepare for PCB manufacturing. Therefore, this tutorial will guide you on how to export Gerber file...

Gerber Fusion 360 Autodesk

PCB Design Tutorial

How to Generate a Pick and Place File in .csv Format from Fusion 360?

Fusion 360 is the first and only integrated cloud CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB software platform of its kind.When you finish designing a PCB in Fusion 360 and need to export coordinate files for the PCB man...

Pick and Place CSV Fusion 360 Autodesk

PCB Design Tutorial

3D model Render with copper from Altium to Fusion 360!

This is the PCB in Altium, that we are exporting. Its an RPI RP2040 Module made for hand soldering in DIY projects.GitHub link at the bottom of the Article:Top ViewBot ViewGo to File->Export->ST...

Altium Designer Fusion 360 3D model Layout PCB Design

Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 10
2 Luis José Mora Díaz 2
3 Engineer 1
4 Fabrice Gomes 1
5 Engineer 1
6 Paul Hupman 1
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