Smart obstacle avoiding car

Hi I wanted to make a smart car which is obstacle avoiding if any wall or anything else come in front of it comes back and goes in the other direction.actually I want to make a robot which is smart ,self balancing and face recognition y combining both Arduino and raspberry Pi.

This project is just a basic version of the in future more updates will. be added to make my dreams become true . The items I will use in this project are below:

*Ultra sonic sensor

* Servo motor

*PVC board

*Motor driver

*Arduino Uno

* Two 18650 batteries

* Four Bo motors.

The circuit of the smart car will be looking like this:

The wiring should be done as shown in the circuit. For the next project I am going to upgrade this by AI using raspberry Pi 3 by adding Alexa in the raspberry Pi so that it can be my personal assistant. And I have some more modifications such as line following, human following using mu vision sensor and some modifications by that it can be robot which will be always with me if any modification ideas please comment below .

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Oct 12,2020
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