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FQC and Packaging | Multi-layer PCB Manufacturing Process - 16

by: Oct 17,2022 3074 Views 0 Comments Posted in PCB Manufacturing Information

PCB Manufacturing

Final Quality Control

FQC, short for final quality control, is the comprehensive and final inspection of printed circuit boards before shipping to ensure that the boards meet the specifications. Although there are quality control points in every process of PCB production, FQC is still an essential link, which can prevent defective boards from leaving the factory and being received by the customer, thus avoiding damage to the customer's interests.

The inspection is carried out visually or with the help of production tools to check the quality of the boards, including Appearance Inspection, such as color, gloss, roughness, burrs, scratches, etc., Dimension or Aperture Measurements, Performance Tests for physical/chemical properties of materials, electrical properties and mechanical properties. After inspection, the inspector will mark the defective boards, which are either to be repaired or scraped directly. While those boards that meet the specification requirements are cleaned to remove any dust and contaminants that may have remained on the board surface and are then ready for packaging.



The boards need to be vacuum packed in transparent air bubble bags with necessary desiccant to prevent oxidation of the pads thus affecting assembly. When packaging, an additional layer of bubble wrap is required inside the box, which not only helps to protect against moisture but also reduces the risk of collision during transportation. The PCBs are then sorted and labeled. According to the requirements of the customer’s order, specified inspection reports such as default inspection reports, microsection inspection reports, thermal stress inspection reports, or other inspection reports will also be put in the box together with boards and be sent to the customer. The outside of the box must be marked with order information, such as part numbers, production cycles, quantities, and other information. Finally, the boxes are stored in a dry and ventilated place, out of direct sunlight, waiting for transportation.


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