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Welcome to the Kicad Open Source Design Contest!

by: Apr 02,2024 3355 Views 0 Comments Posted in News

Kicad Open Source Design Contest Communication Theme Automation Theme

We are thrilled to announce the official launch of the KiCad Open Source Design Competition! This competition provides a platform for electronic design enthusiasts and professionals worldwide to showcase their creativity and skills. Whether you are an experienced engineer or a beginner, you are welcome to participate in this exciting competition.


The competition is divided into two themes, and participants can choose one of the following themes:

KiCad Design Contest-Communication Theme: Design and implement an innovative communication system or device, which can be wireless, wired, or a combination of both. You can explore various communication protocols, technologies, and application scenarios to demonstrate your innovative thinking and technical capabilities.

KiCad Design Contest-Automation Theme: Design and implement an automation system or device, which can be for home automation, industrial automation, or other application areas. You can utilize technologies such as sensors, actuators, and control systems to create smarter and more efficient automation solutions.

KiCad Design Contest-Free Theme: If your project does not belong to either of the above two themes, then you can choose a free theme according to your own preference to submit your designs.

How to participate?

Way 1

To entrance to the Kicad Open Source Design Contest Address: https://www.pcbway.com/activity/kicad-open-source-design-contest.html

Click the 'Participate Now' in the picture.

Select the PCB/PCB Assembly Project category, then select the theme 'KiCad Design Contest-Communication Theme' or 'KiCad Design Contest-Automation Theme' or 'KiCad Design Contest-Free Theme' for the project you share and provide relevant project information. (Tip: Sharing complete open source project files, including Gerber, BOM, Centriod file, schematic and PCB design file, will increase your chances of receiving a higher score.)

After completing the project information, click 'Submit' at the bottom of the page to successfully participate in the contest.

Way 2

There is another way to enter the contest.

Find the original project-sharing entry point within the community (https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/), and click 'Create a Project'

After entering the page, click 'Submit Project to...' and select either 'KiCad Design Contest-Communication Theme' or KiCad Design Contest-Automation Theme' , then follow the same steps as mentioned above.

Note: All entries must be original projects; otherwise, they will be disqualified from participation.


The project submission deadline is June 2, 2024. Judges will review and score all projects between June 3 and July 3, 2024, with the final selection results being announced on July 16, 2024.


10 Great-Project Awards: $100 + Raspberry Pi 5 4GB

Participation Award: Raspberry Pi Pico+PCBWay & Kicad Bag

For more detailed information, please refer to the contest webpage.

Everyone is welcome to participate and we look forward to seeing your outstanding projects.

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