Line follower Bot

Line Follower bots are cool. They can follow a black line on a white surface or white line on a black surface. However to make a line follower bot we need a IR Sensor array a microcontroller and a optional display and some keys for additional features and troubleshooting.

We design this board combining all of that in a single PCB

It has a IR Sensor array , A Arduino nano, a LCD Display and 4 buttons.

This is the circuit schematic for the IR sensor array. its very precise and accurate. It can measure various widths with great precision.

The sensor data then goes to the Arduino nano. It process the sensor readings and set the motor speed accordingly. the LCD and the buttons are used to set the PID values as well as some general settings like track width, track color etc.

The PCB layout is in the from of a car which looks cool.


Arduino nano

LCD 16x2

9 pair of IR Diode and IR reciver

4 push buttons


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Nov 25,2019
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