Formula Student FCT (FSFCT) - The Project's Rebirth

Formula Student FCT is a Formula Student team from NOVA School of Science and Technology (, a faculty located in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area.


Our journey began in 2015, with the first group of students being able to produce a functioning car by 2018. The culmination of their efforts materialized when we entered the competition that year, clinching a remarkable victory in the Business Plan Presentation at Formula Student Spain, one of the most esteemed Formula Student event.


Regrettably, the global pandemic, COVID-19, disrupted our progress, leading to the departure of almost all of our initial team members.


However, perseverance and dedication remained our guiding principles. In late 2022 and early 2023, we undertook the arduous task of rebuilding our team from the ground up. Our efforts culminated in the presentation of an Internal Combustion (IC) car project at Formula Student Portugal during the summer of 2023. Despite the limited preparation time at our disposal, we achieved an impressive 5th place in the overall project competition. During that year, our team expanded to comprise a total of 50 students from NOVA SST. Today, we proudly consist of 60 students from NOVA SST and other NOVA faculties, allowing us to reach a wider range of students and areas.


As of now, our IC car project is undergoing optimization, incorporating valuable feedback from the competition's panel of judges. Fabrication is scheduled to commence in November 2023, and our Electronics team is currently seeking your assistance in the fabrication of our meticulously designed PCBs:






The Brake System Plausibility Device is a crucial safety mechanism for our FSAE car. Unlike many other components in the vehicle, the BSPD is a non-programmable circuit, meaning it operates based on its fixed design and does not require software or user configuration.


The BSPD's primary function is to ensure the safety of the driver during racing conditions. It does so by monitoring the behavior of the car's brake system, looking for any anomalies or inconsistencies. In the event of a brake failure or malfunction, the BSPD will engage and trigger a predefined safety response, cutting power to the engine.


Its non-programmable nature is a deliberate choice, as it eliminates the possibility of human error or tampering with the safety mechanism. This ensures a high level of reliability and trust in the BSPD, making it a vital component in preserving the safety of both the driver and the vehicle during the competition.






The Hermes Board used in the car is an in-house built controller board designed around the Raspberry Pi technology. This controller board plays a crucial role in controlling the system concerning the Quick Shifter. 


The primary function of this Raspberry-based controller is to interface with the Quick Shifter mechanism, which allows the driver to make rapid gear changes while racing. It receives real-time inputs from the pilot. Upon receiving these pilot inputs, the controller processes and translates them into commands for the Electronic Speed Controller (ESC). 


Additionally, the controller board updates the driver's Shifting Interface, providing real-time information about the gear currently engaged.






The Shifting Interface is a critical component that facilitates the driver's control over the gear-shifting process. It serves as the intermediary between the pilot and the transmission system, ensuring constant information regarding the gear changes.


The Shifting Interface receives input from the driver, through the paddle shift lever. This input can include commands to upshift or downshift gears based on the driving conditions and performance needs. These commands are then transmitted to the Hermes Board.

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