Electronics Hamilton Soldering Challenge

### DESCRIPTION ( Introduce yourserlf and your project)

This is a soldering challenge for electronics hamilton (https://www.meetup.com/Electronics-Hamilton-Meetup/) sponsored by enaelectronics (www.enaelectronics.ca)  to teach people to solder in a fun way. The board starts with a through hole section, followed by 0805, 0603 and 0402 soldering. For the ultimate challenge try hand soldering level 8's BGA and race with friends against the clock. All powered by a 9V battery.

### TECHNICAL DETAILS (With project photos)

There isn't a tonne to know here, its all based around a 555 timer each level has a different package type.

### Words to PCBWay

PCB way have been nothing short of amazing helping with sponsoring this project. I highly rate their experience and customer service. I will recommend 10x more than anyone else

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Nov 10,2017
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