How to Make DIY Arduino Gesture Control Robot at Home
Parts Required for Receiver (Tank):
1) Robot Tank Chassis -
2) Arduino Nano V3 -
3) L298N Motor Driver -
4) NRF24L01+ Antenna Module -
5) Adapter For NRF24L01 -
6) 3.7v 18650 Li-ion Battery(x2) -
7) 18650 Battery Holder -
8) Breadboard -
L289N Motor Driver Power Connection:
18650 7.4V Li-ion Battery (+) to L298N VIN
18650 7.4V Li-ion Battery (-) to L298N GND
Arduino Nano VIN to L298N VIN
Arduino Nano GND to L298N GND
L298N and DC Motors Pin Connections:
L298N ENA to Digital 3 Arduino Nano
L298N IN1 to Digital 4 Arduino Nano
L298N IN2 to Digital 5 Arduino Nano
L298N IN3 to Digital 6 Arduino Nano
L298N IN4 to Digital 7 Arduino Nano
L298N ENB to Digital 9 Arduino Nano
nRF24L01+ Connections:
nrf24L01 VCC to +5V Arduino Nano
nrf24L01 GND to GND Arduino Nano
nrf24L01 CE to Digital 8 Arduino Nano
nrf24L01 CSN to Digital 10 Arduino Nano
nrf24L01 SCK to Digital 13 Arduino Nano
nrf24L01 MOSI to Digital 11 Arduino Nano
nrf24L01 MISO to Digital 12 Arduino Nano
Parts Required for Transmitter (PCB):
(If you want to buy the same PCB which one I used in this project. Just download the Gerber file and upload it to to order the PCB board.)
1) Get the PCB Board -
2) Arduino Pro Mini 3.3v 8MHz -
3) NRF24L01+ RF Module -
4) GY-61 ADXL335 Accelerometer -
6) 3.7v 750mah Lipo Battery -
7) Self-locking On / Off Switch -
8) LED Kit -
9) Lipo Connector Pin -
10) 100uF / 10uF Capacitor -
11) Resistor -
12) Female Header Pin -
13) Soldering Tool Kit -
Source Code
You can find the source code on the GitHub page. You can upload the program using the Arduino IDE.
How to Make DIY Arduino Gesture Control Robot at Home
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.
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Christian Salinas Jul 02,2021
Engineer Oct 31,2020
Suren Margaryan Oct 29,2020
rachman bobo Oct 15,2020
Engineer Oct 15,2020
MERT KILIC Sep 29,2020
(DIY) C64iSTANBUL Sep 28,2020
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