An international student based competition to design, manufacture and test an open wheel formula sty

Competition Introduction with related photos:

The competition is Formula SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers). An international student based competition to design, manufacture and test an open wheel formula style race car.

This photo is our 2015 team, UTS Motorsports Electric, with our first ever electric car “Juliet”

Community Introduction with related Community activity photos:

We do a fair amount of work with industry partners and sponsors as well as community engagement through the University of Technology, Sydney. Here are some photos

Above: Our 2015 car Juliet in late January 2016 at a big car meet at Sydney Dragway with over 2000 participants.

Above: Juliet at her unveiling event in December 2015.

Above: Another photos of Juliet being unveiled in December 2015

Above: All of the teams who competed at FSAE-Australasia in 2015 – photo courtesy of Monash Motorsports.

Formula SAE is an international competition with divisions globally including Formula Student UK, Formula Student Germany, Formula Student Austria, Student Formula Japan, FSAE Michigan, FSAE Lincoln, FSAE Brazil, FSAE Italy and of course, FSAE Australasia.

It is a design competition where tertiary education students in teams design and manufacture their formula-style open wheeled race cars. The judges award points not just for the dynamic performance of the vehicle but for design decisions and justifications as well as for static events such as cost justification and a business presentation.

The competition is well regarded to produce some of the most capable engineering graduates around the world as it gives students a chance to implement and apply their learning well outside the scope of classes and exams. Alongside technical skills, students develop professional skills such as teamwork, time management and project management abilities.

Historically the competition has been for internal combustion engines but in recent years an electric division has been created. This is the division that we now compete in and while the transition from internal combustion to electric is expensive for many teams, it is still one that is being adopted by more and more teams each year.

The vehicle we will create has a power output of 80kW and driven by 96 A123 cells creating a 1.9kWh battery pack.

The cell boards we design for the vehicle complete a variety of intelligent processes as well as safety protocols.

For safety, we have boards that emit light to allow spectators to know when the car has high voltage running through the car. A PCB measures voltage and works in conjunction with another circuit to emit light at a certain frequency. A plausibility device is also implemented into the car to shut down the car if the driver applies the brake and accelerator at the same time. Also in this design, an over throttle and brake system can also shut down the car when the pedals are at their extremes.

In the future, we envision on designing our own Power Distribution Module and a Battery Management System so the car can become more bespoke and therefore components working more harmoniously.

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Sep 13,2016
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