A half-size Micromouse

About the Team

Welcome to our team Nano Trojan! We are a group of robotics enthusiasts who are passionate about designing, building, and programming autonomous robots to navigate through mazes. Our team is comprised of skilled individuals with expertise in various areas such as robotics, artificial intelligence, programming, and engineering.

We share a common goal of developing innovative solutions to tackle the challenges of maze solving, utilizing cutting-edge technologies and algorithms. Our team is known for its creativity, teamwork, and dedication to achieving outstanding results. We are always eager to push the boundaries of what is possible in the field of micromouse maze solving and constantly strive for excellence.

About The Project

Our project focuses on developing an autonomous micromouse maze solver. We aim to design, build, and program a robot that can navigate through a maze, autonomously explore and map the maze, and find the optimal path from a designated starting point to a target destination.

Our project also emphasizes on optimization and performance, aiming to develop a maze solver that can complete the maze in the shortest time possible while avoiding collisions and making intelligent decisions in real-time. We will be focusing on refining our algorithms, fine-tuning our robot's movements, and incorporating techniques such as dead reckoning and localization to ensure precise and efficient navigation.

As a team, we will work collaboratively, leveraging our individual strengths and expertise to tackle the challenges of micromouse maze solving. We will conduct thorough testing, iterate on our designs, and continuously improve our robot's performance to achieve the best possible results.

Project descript_ion

Main Components:

Arduino Nano R3

IR Sensor

20:1 micro gear Motor 

Encoder pair kit for 2 motors

Pair of Wheels

Motor driver board

Motor mounts

Rechargeable battery

5 resistors for 4 way DIL DIP switch

Micromouse maze solver is a type of autonomous robot that is designed to navigate through a maze using sensors and algorithms to find the optimal path from a starting point to a destination point. The goal of the micromouse maze solver is to efficiently explore and solve the maze while minimizing the time taken to reach the destination.

The micromouse maze solver typically uses various sensors such as infrared to detect walls and obstacles in the maze. These sensors provide feedback to the robot about its environment, allowing it to make decisions on how to navigate through the maze.

The algorithms used in a micromouse maze solver are typically based on graph theory and search algorithms such as depth-first search (DFS), breadth-first search (BFS), Dijkstra's algorithm, or A* algorithm. These algorithms help the robot to explore and map the maze, create a representation of the maze in its memory, and find the shortest or most efficient path to the destination.

Micromouse maze solvers are often designed as small and agile robots, capable of quick and precise movements to navigate through the maze. They may also incorporate techniques such as dead reckoning, where the robot keeps track of its position and orientation based on its movements, and localization algorithms to determine its position accurately within the maze.

The development and competition of micromouse maze solvers are popular in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, as they involve challenges such as maze solving, sensor integration, algorithm optimization, and real-time decision making. They are often used as educational tools to teach students about robotics, programming, and problem-solving skills.

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