RFID Development Board
The board is based on the Atmega32u4 microcontroller and the PN5180 RFID Reader, the best 13.56MHz full NFC frontend in the
market. It is equipped with many features:
1. Programming:
• Programmable with Arduino IDE (AVRdude or something similar) or Atmel Studio via USB Mini-B,
• ICSP connector for ICSP programming (1mm pitch),
• RESET Button, TX & RX LED.
2. Power:
• The board can be powered using JST connector (Vin from 7V to 12V) or USB Mini-B,
• Power Supply Auto Selector which prioritizes USB over Vin and reverse polarity protection,
• 5V and 3.3V regulated output power.
3. RFID Reader:
• 13.56MHz full NFC frontend,
• Supports a wide range of RF operations including NFC, MIFARE, FeliCa, ISO 14430 type A and B (for RFID tags/cards) and ISO 15693,
• 65mm×65mm 2-turns Internal Antenna using traces on the PCB,
• I/O interface for the PN5180: RESET Button, BUSY Display LED and other I/O.
4. I/O and interfaces:
LCD Display Interface (Pin names on the bottom side):
• Headers for an LCD 16×2 interface using
• Customizable slave address using solder jumpers,
• Flexibility: you can place theLCD anywhere,
• Contrast can be adjusted with the potentiometer
• Piezoelectric buzzer as sonar alarm ready to use,
• Can be used in access control application...
Micro-SD Card Socket
• Adds storage capacity (avoids using mcu’s memory)
• Can be used to store UIDs of RFID tags/Cards, ...etc
I²C interface
• Easy Access to I²C (SCL & SDA)
• Included pullup resistor,
• Connect I²C compatible devices.
3.3V SPI Interface
• SPI Interface with 3.3V logic level,
• Used for low-power devices for extended application.
GPIO Interface
• 8 × digital I/O including 5 PWM channels,
• 6 × Analog Inputs
Dimensions: 140.5mm×68.5mm
This product has neither been tested nor validated, but the DRC (Design Rules Checker) ran 0 errors. As I am not an expert, the PCB might contain some design errors which will appear during the PCB prototyping phase. However, there is room for test, modification and improvement of this project. If you are an expert and would like to revise, test, improve and validate this PCB, I would be pleased share project files.
The author of this product shall not be held responsible for any property damage or personal injury resulting from the use of this product. Users acknowledge and accept that any faults, dysfunction, or abnormal behavior that may arise during the use of this product are at their own risk.
RFID Development Board
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.
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