Touch Sense Pixel

This project is a proof of concept and may be used as a final product for helping fund a children's museum exhibit that teaches kids about touch screens. This PCB was designed to simplify construction and provide a base for any connections for external components. This pixel features three touch sensors, three RGB LEDs, a brightness potentiometer, a three position slide switch, and a power switch. The pixel is powered via micro USB to the microcontroller. The micro that was chosen is Pololu's micro A-Star for it's small footprint. I chose to try PCBway because I wasn't happy with the turnover, cost, and quality of the PCBs I was getting from manufacturers in the states. In fact, I ordered three 0.9"x0.9" PCBs from OSHPARK weeks prior to the order I sent PCBway and received my five boards from PCBway cheaper and all nondefective compared to the boards I eventually received from OSHPARK. Overall, I appreciated the ability to customize more options and the rapid production and reliability and the cost enough to definitely use PCBway as often as I can for my PCB needs.

May 30,2017
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