
This is a quick and easy hack to replace NiCad canister batteries common in Amigas, Commodore Bridgeboards, etc. with a lithium coin battery. Please read through this whole document before starting... The Amiga version of this hack includes an IFF of the diagram. The PC-ised version of this hack includes a GIF of the diagram. Why would anyone want to do this? First of all, it is a fairly publicised issue lately that the factory issued NiCad canister batteries eventually leak as they get old. When they leak, the acidic fluid can cause problems as it eats through the traces on your board. This happened to a friend of mine, he got his hands on a rather nice used A3000 desktop unit, and found the battery had leaked and done its deed, a hole was eaten into the PCB, opening up connections, and rendering the built-in flickerfixer totally useless. He was able to repair it enough to function on a 1084s though with the standard video output signals. But it would be nicer to have prevented this problem, right? This is why lithium batteries are a more suitable option in my opinion. They won't eat your computer when they get old. A3000 owners should back up their NVRAM stuff, I believe there are a few utilities on aminet to choose from to do this. I'm not sure if A4000 owners need to worry about this or not. A2000, A501, etc. owners shouldn't have to worry about this, you don't have NVRAM. This hack can also be used by PC folks that have NiCad batteries, I don't know what would happen to some machines with no battery, the PC BIOS might forget something useful, like hard drive settings or something, I don't have a PC so I don't know. Please check your manual or as a techie friend or something. We're getting close to the good stuff, so it's disclaimer time. This is a hack. It will void your warranty if you still have one valid. Your computer store might look at you funny if you take it in for unrelated service someday when they see the battery job.

Jul 10,2019
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