AM transmitter using 6CU8 vintage tube

I am a collector of vintage radios in Germany. This project is a small low power signal generator or transmitter that can generate AM radio signals. I like using vintage tube technology, for its simplicity and because it matches old vintage tube radios well from the technology point of view. I have my own etching machine at home so I can make prototypes but they are not nearly as perfect as the professional PCBs made by PCBWay. I had installed the latest version of KiCAD 7 recently and here I found the plug-in that creates all the Gerber files and uploads them to PCBWay. This was one of the main factors that made me finally take the step and try a professional manufacturer. This is my first project with PCBWay and I am impressed by the fast response and quality of the PCBs I rate this service as a "10". I had placed the order on January 23rd and the PCBs were delivered to Germany after only 6 days on the 29th. I will be ordering more PCBs as I have many more projects that I want to share among my collector friends. The next project that is in the works as I write is another signal generator using a different tube, a PCF82. With the fast service at PCBWay the project I uploaded on the 30th at night European time is already at 20% this morning (31st) so I'm looking forward to receiving the PCBs next week! The attached photos show the 6CU8 tube project that had already been completed.

Jan 31,2024
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