Robust Internal Controller for High Altitude Rocket Dolken

Dear PCBway,

Danish Student Association for Rocketry (DanSTAR) is a student driven non-profit organisation based at the Technical University of Denmark. We consists of more than 35 dedicated and hard-working university students.

Our vision is to ignite and promote the interest in rocket science and engineering for the students and to educate and inspire the next generation of young people to choose a path into the STEM area.

This is demonstrated when DanSTAR did its first public hotfire test infront of a crowd of 350 people. The goal of this event was to show to the world, that a group of dedicated engineers could build and test a prof of concept of a homebuild bi-liquid rocket engine. The event can be seen here:

Our mission is to build a bi-liquid rocket to aim for a 9km mark, in order to win the Spaceport America Cup competition, here is a video of the competition Our rocket is designed and build from the buttom-up by ourselves, it consits of serveral sub-systems: Engine bay, Tanks, Fluid system, Electronics bay, payload and recovery system. For this we have a homebuild avionics system. As it can be seen on the attached picture. The avionics system, code named Robust Internal Controller for High Altitude Rocket Dolken (RICHARD), consits of serveral stackable PCB's: Telemetry board, Sensor board, mainboard, Actuatorboard, PSU1 and PSU2. The picture below shows the first version of the blockdiagram of the system. We see the main board, sensor board, actuator board, telemetry board. PSU1 and PSU2 was added later in the process.

Untitled Diagram-Page-1.png  

The goal for the electronics team is to have a fully functioning stackable PCB design by the end of April, that is possible to gather sensor data, actuate servos and solenoids, and send all that data to the ground control system using the telemetry system. Also this system will replace the old system on the test stand seen on the hotfire video, where the demonstration engine was tested. 

With our account it can be seen that we already have ordered serveral 60X60mm PCB's from you (which is also seen on the picture), but we are ready to take it to the next level with you since we believe your products and services are unquestionably the best. As stated above, all of these pcb's are going to be used in the Spaceport America Cub competition, thus we believe that the project is within your values for a sponsorship, therefore we hope that you will sponsor our couse and our project for the seconds revision of the PCB's and the next to come. 

We can Offer PCBway a place on our sponsorship page, a logo on our team shirts, a logo on the second revision of PCB's (of course) and a logo on our rocket. Furthermore, we will as usual share our sponsorship and other news with you on our facebook profile here: 

If you need more information about the project such as the github repo, please contact us on the mail or

Kind Regards,

Fadi Bunni - Cashier

Danish Student Association for Rocketry


Below are more pictures of the project: 

The rocket (as of now it is not fully assembled)


The newly designed 3D printed (in metal) rocket engine (cut through)


Here we see where DanSTAR works which is in DTU Skylab (incubator place for univeristy Engineers), also we see the parashute for the rocket.


First order from PCBway of the Mainboard (many hours went into this board, and many more is to come for the rest of the PCB stack)


Test stand designed and build by DanSTAR, used for testing rocket engines.


DanSTAR's first ever successful demonstration engine testing. (This is something we are very proud of)



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Feb 28,2019
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