Blood Oxygen Sensor(OEM example)

Customer requirements: “We would like to protect the sensor against humidity, dirt or any other damage that could be introduced due t fact that it is in contact with the skin and the air. But this pro...

OEM Sensor Design Blood Oxygen Sensor OEM Case study

PCBWay-OEM Electric Floor Fan

On April 19th, the infinitely variable frequency smart fan jointly developed by Fengmi and PCBWay-OEM was officially launched for sale. This product attracted widespread attention from consumers on th...

OEM Floor Fan Design OEM Case study

From the idea to the manufactured product – A complete guide

Most of you, if you are a hobbyist or an electronics engineer, might have already thinked about designing and selling your own idea. But the way from the idea to the finished and even manufactured pro...

manufactured product guide design sell pcb components manufacturer PCBWay

How to generate Gerber files from Eagle

For eagle the latest version 9.6.2, please click How to Generate Gerber and Drill Files From Eagle 9.6.2Generally it doesn't work to use the Eagle files for PCB manufacturing , so the situation w...

Eagle PCB Gerber Design

What should I do if my PCB does not require solder mask?

Unlike the copper layer, the solder mask layer is negative. This means a solid object in the layer corresponds to a hole, or opening in the solder mask layer (an area without solder mask covering). Th...

solder mask design

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