Wireless Weather Station Project

Wireless Weather Station Circuit Diagram

Let’s take a look at the circuit diagram and how this project works. Note that I already have detailed tutorials on how each of these modules work, so for more details you can check them: 

Both the real time clock module and the OLED display use the I2C protocol for communication with the Arduino so they are connected to the I2C pins or the analog pins number 4 and 5 on the Arduino Nano board. Right next to the NRF24L01 transceiver module there is a capacitor to keep the power supply to it more stable. There is also a pull-up resistor connected to the DHT22 data pin in order the sensor to work properly.

As for the power supply I used 12V DC power adapter for the indoor unit, and on the other side, for powering the outdoor unit I used two Li-on batteries producing around 7.5V. With this configuration the outdoor unit could run for around 10 days before the batteries discharge, because we transmit data periodically and in the meantime we put the Arduino to sleep mode, where the power consumption is only around 7mA

Custom design PCB

In order to keep the electronics components organized, according to the circuit diagram I designed a custom PCB using the EasyEDA free online circuit design software. We can note that the same PCB can be used for both the indoor and the outdoor unit, only the Arduino board should be programmed differently.

Once we finish the design here, we can simply export the Gerber file which is used for manufacturing the PCB. You can check the EasyEDA project files of Arduino wireless weather station here.

Then we can order our PCB from pcbway , which is actually the sponsor of this video.

Here we can simply drag and drop the Gerber file and once uploaded we can review our PCB in the Gerber viewer. If everything is all right then we can go on, select the properties that we want for our PCB, and then we can order our PCB at a reasonable price. Note that if it’s your first order from pcbway, you can get up to 10 PCBs for only $5.

Nevertheless, after several days the PCBs have arrived. The quality of the PCBs is great and everything is exactly the same as in the design.

Then I also inserted and soldered the capacitor and the pull-up resistor. With this step done, now we can simply attach the components onto the pin headers of the PCB.

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Considering everyone’s needs, here we recommend you the most suitable PCB Assembly Company —PCBWay.

PCBWay is a Chinese manufacturer with over 10 years’ experience in PCB prototype and assembly service. They have helped so many electronics engineers assemble projects. Their excellent service wins wide reputation from all over word engineers. The following are a few reasons why we recommend PCBWay Assembly Service.

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Thanks pcbway

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Oct 29,2019
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