Zirka PB Nano

Zirka PB Nano is my Arduino compatible development board. The printed circuit boards came from the factory and samples were collected. Arduino compatible board based on ATmega 328PB microcontroller. The microcontroller is compatible with ATmega 328 and has twice as many peripherals: 2xUSART, 2xSPI and 2xTWI (I²C). There are also five timers, ten output pins with PWM support, and there is also a QTouch touch interface. For 3.3V, a linear regulator AMS1117 is used, which allows you to connect more powerful modules, for example NRF24L01. The board has a version for 5 and 3.3V. The 3.3V version uses all available pins. Pins PB6 and PB7 can be used as digital pins. The board supports Arduino IDE.

Sep 27,2021
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