IoT Intelligent Portable Precision Water Quality Monitoring Station (Control Board)

A project supported by the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA), supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lobna A. Said, and implemented by Eng. Ahmed I. Ahmed. The project aims to measure water quality parameters, such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, etc. It is based on the STM32 ARM Cortex STM32F401RCT6 microcontroller. It employs LoRa technology for low-power wireless communication. The control board attaches RS485 interfaces for sensors and dry-contact relays for controlling external equipment. Also, the board employs the Espressif ESP32-Wrover-IE Wi-Fi module as a secondary wireless communication technology. An RTC chip and on-board microSD card adapter are also attached.

Jan 24,2025
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