
[PCB Prototype] Difficulty of a 6-8 Layer Board with one very precise layer, and the remainder normal layers.

A Project of mine requires a small number of ICs with supporting <3mil traces and spacing, about which ive asked previously and gotten a good answer.I have gotten quite a lot further through the pr...

[PCB Prototype] How does the IEC 61914 standard impact the manufacturing and use of cable cleats?

Are there specific regional standards that differ from IEC, and how do they affect installations?

[PCB Prototype] What materials are commonly used to manufacture cable cleats?

What are the different types of materials commonly used in the manufacturing of cable cleats, and how do these materials affect their performance in various environmental and operational conditions, s...

[PCB Prototype] How do electrical cable cleats improve safety during short circuits?

How do electrical cable cleats enhance safety during short circuits, and what role do they play in preventing cable movement, reducing the risk of fire, and protecting both the electrical system and i...

[PCB Prototype] Sony CRF-330K 33-Band Shortwave Radio

I got a Question? I bought a Tuner for my Sony CRF-330K 33-Band Shortwave Radio I bought a rebuilt Shortwave Tuner & they didn’t replace the (1) Plastic Gears on the Tuner can I purchase the 1 gea...

[PCB Prototype] Teensy 4.1 pin mount for kicad to start drawing the pcb.

Hi I want to print a circuit board based on a teensy 4.1, so I looking to find an example of a pcb that has the correct pin mount headers to start with using Kicad. any help would be amazing. thanks

[PCB Prototype] FZ Dev Board for WiFi, marauder, wireshark, & hashcat.

Why have we not seen a FZ dev board with marauder, wireshark, and hashcat?. It would have an Sd card slot for adding wordlists and saving cracked passwords. It would facilitate PCAP files run them thr...

[PCB Prototype] Led screen eye car

Apa bisa buat kaya gini

[PCB Prototype] Piezo PCB motor refrence design.

Hello,You wrote an article about piezo PCB motors in 2014.Do you have reference designs for stators and reference for the piezo elements?PCBmotor.com is no longer selling components.Thank you.Maxime B...

[PCB Prototype] Вопрос по трансивер у usdx

Здравствуйте, можно поподробней узнать о версии 1.02 трансивер usdx
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Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 8
2 Engineer 1
3 Engineer 1