
[PCB Design] GERBER Fİle

Helloi created a custom pcb which use STM32f103 gerber files.You can see it at the bottomnow i want to use STM32F401CCU6 board inside my pcb but i need the GERBER file of core board. Can you sell it to me ?i will use it and create my own design.thanks.

[PCB Design] My ESP32-WROMM-32 doesnt enter into boot mode

Product: ESP32-WROOM-32.Application: Thermocirculator applied to the Sous Vide culinary technique.Controls: DC motor, heater, OLED display, cooler.Receives data from: Temperature sensor, water level s...

[PCB Design] Recommended PCB Design software

Please what is the recommended PCB design software? I currently use KiCad but in my last PCB order, I wasn't entirely satisfied.

[PCB Design] Firmware Software Question

Will these pcbs come with firmware and/or operating system programing? Thanks.

[PCB Design] How about this layout in AD18?

Is this layout correct? Need advice

[PCB Design] Why is a resistor connected in parallel to both ends of the microphone in the sound sensor module?

Why is there a resistor and capacitor connected in parallel at both ends of the microphone (the part circled in red)? What is the role of these two components here? Can they be removed?

[PCB Design] Does the circuit board need to add a voltage stabilizing circuit if it is powered through the computer's USB port?

The circuit board I made is powered by the USB port of the computer. I feel that the voltage should be relatively stable. Is it necessary to add a voltage regulator circuit? I wanted to add a 7805 thr...
1 2 3 4 5 6
Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 6
2 Jack Durie 2