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Winner Interview - Meet Camilo and his Otto DIY

by: Jul 06,2020 2555 Views 0 Comments Posted in Activities

PCB design robot projects Otto DIY Open Source Hardware community PCBWay

Summary:       Camilo's Otto DIY wins Runner Ups in PCBWay 3rd PCB Design Contest.

PCBWay Team: “ Could you please briefly introduce yourself? Many other PCBWayers in the community want to know more about you.”

Camilo: “ Hi My name is Camilo, the founder and creator of Otto DIY robot. I currently live in the Czech Republic.”

PCBWay Team: “When did you start making and how did you learn the skill of PCB Design?” 

Camilo: “ Making things in general started in an early age when I was a child, but PCB design just recently last year.”

PCBWay Team: “When did you get involved in the maker movement? Do you remember what first drew your attention?”

Camilo: “ I think all of us are involved in the maker moment some who when we DIY stuff, but I open an way since 2014, I was always attracted to robot projects.”

PCBWay Team: “How did you know about our 3rd PCB Design Contest? And what drove you to attend this contest?”

Camilo: “ My friend Eric told me, I know PCBWay back when I was living in China so for me was interested to participate.”

PCBWay Team: “About your award-winning work, Otto DIY, could you please tell us more details about it or the story behind? And why did you choose it as your entry?” 

Camilo: “ Otto is an open source robot that anyone can make it started as a hobby project back in 2016 I created it in a hackserpace in Shanghai. Since then it has been my main project and what I dedicate y full time to keep improving and making robotics accessible.”

PCBWay Team: “ What part of the project process excites you the most?”

Camilo: “ I like the design part, since is my background, the creative and innovative process of inventing, in particular with Otto I love to see more people getting inspired by me and creating new remixes and robot variations.”

PCBWay Team: “ In your opinion, what comes first - the existing technology or the design idea?”

Camilo: “ Design is always first is what drives technology to be pushed into unknown boundaries.”

PCBWay Team: “ What makes you different/ unique from other makers?”

Camilo: “ A great care for a good documentation, many do great projects but are not well communicated, nice looking or files are missing. Luckily now a days more and more makers are learning to improve this. My background as a Product design engineer gave me a series of multidisciplinary skills that help cover most of the needs of almost any project. Other makers have to learn the hard way but with patience, passion and persistence is possible.”

PCBWay Team: “How did you feel when you found that you were one of the winners?”

Camilo: “ Very happy and surprised because it was my first PCB design for Otto.”

PCBWay Team: “What do you think is the most important inner traits to be a good PCB designer?”

Camilo: “ I don’t think I have the experience to answer this question, I still consider myself a beginner in the PCB design side but a lot of electronics, engineering and components knowledge is important.”

PCBWay Team: “What do you think of Open Source Hardware? And how do you look at the future of open source community?”

Camilo: “ I think is great I am a big supporter and contributor to the open source philosophy. I see a better future people is understanding more the meaning, how it works and contributing back but there is also a danger that more people is taking advantage of it.”

PCBWay Team: “What do you think of our website or the community page? PCBWay will contribute to the open source community more. Do you have any suggestions for improvement?” 

Camilo: “ I think is a good website and lots of interesting projects but is difficult for beginners to get in and understand things, is not clear how to replicate them, all PCB website seems to be focus on people that already know how to design PCBs so that they can sell to but others could feel excluded.”

PCBWay Team: “What are ingredients of a good maker space? If you were to create and equip a new maker space for a school or library, how would your ideal solution look like?”

Camilo: “ First Community if you don’t have the people to fill it then do not bother to buy a bunch of machines that will end up unused, so first what is the need, then the actual space, resources, materials, size or machines that can fill that gap, usually a couple of 3d printers can do the work but some times simple tools can do more faster. With the current global situation we have to think more of a new concept “home maker spaces” and enable remote workshops.”

PCBWay Team: “PCBWay 4th PCB Design Contest has been in our to-do list, will you join in again? And would you like to suggest your friends to attend as well?”

Camilo: “ Yes we will invite all our Otto Builder community to participate again.”

PCBWay Team: “Do you have any suggestions to the contest? Regarding to the participation process, display of works, voting, etc.”

Camilo: “ No I think it was good, it will be good to have more feedback form the judges or even PCBway itself in terms of manufacturability.”

PCBWay Team: “If a reader who is inspired by this interview wants to get started with making, what are some good tools and resources for beginners?”

Camilo: “ Start by building your own robot!  Go to ottodiy.com anyone can start into robotics with our community!"


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